
Sunday, 18 March 2012

Dolch Words Printable Games

Games for Dolch Words

I had been thinking about making some Dolch words games for my beginners class for quite some time now. So this weekend I decided it was high time I actually did it. When I sat down to do it though, I wasn't sure how to go about it. So I started from the classics: a board game.

I started with a basic board for the game, which the children are going to colour in and we are going to laminate

Then I made the instructions and the cards for the game.  I wrote them down as simply as I could. Since the game is for total beginners I also included instructions in their native tongue, Greek

I can't wait to bring the games in the classroom and see for my self how they work. There is something really rewarding about using your own materials in your classroom. Sometimes it even means that you have failed miserably in producing something good, as some materials don't work. I really hope this isn't one of them. If you like my work, please feel free to use the above copies for your classes. Let me know what you think. 

Coming up: