Just a thought before I start...
It has been a long time since the last time I posted something and I am afraid that was a very conscious decision. The Internet is a world of freedom and information, in which the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, the possibility that someone may use your photos and text without permission in their own site or blog is equally possible. I was unpleasantly surprised when I found some of my work on other blogs, without a reference to my blog, so I decided to stop posting until I had shorted that out. I am still trying to find ways to secure my work, I am still learning you see, so if anyone has any advise or thoughts on this please let me know.
I Can Do It Class Project
Last month with third grade we learnt the verb "can". I was looking for consolidation activities when one of my colleagues, Zoe, suggested I use Eric Carle's From Head To Toe. The lesson plan I made was based on the PPP, Presentation, Practice, Production model.
Firstly, we read it in class and then we had our own circle time asking each other questions. I have recorded that session and is going to be used in the students' Goodbye Interactive CD.
Then we watched the youtube video based on the book and we learnt the song. There is no need to tell you how much children love action songs! We all had so much fun dancing around to it in class. The video below is from youtube.
It has been a long time since the last time I posted something and I am afraid that was a very conscious decision. The Internet is a world of freedom and information, in which the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, the possibility that someone may use your photos and text without permission in their own site or blog is equally possible. I was unpleasantly surprised when I found some of my work on other blogs, without a reference to my blog, so I decided to stop posting until I had shorted that out. I am still trying to find ways to secure my work, I am still learning you see, so if anyone has any advise or thoughts on this please let me know.

I Can Do It Class Project
Last month with third grade we learnt the verb "can". I was looking for consolidation activities when one of my colleagues, Zoe, suggested I use Eric Carle's From Head To Toe. The lesson plan I made was based on the PPP, Presentation, Practice, Production model.
Firstly, we read it in class and then we had our own circle time asking each other questions. I have recorded that session and is going to be used in the students' Goodbye Interactive CD.
Then we watched the youtube video based on the book and we learnt the song. There is no need to tell you how much children love action songs! We all had so much fun dancing around to it in class. The video below is from youtube.
The lesson couldn't be complete without some production activity, so I thought of writing our own books. We named them I Can Do it! Each student wrote five questions and answered them according to whether they could do that action or not. Finally we illustrated or books. I made a flipbook out of their scanned work, which you can see bellow.
I can do it! by third grade students. |